
Munich Wolfsburg Collection: 9 BMW and VW Youngtimers at auction

Youngtimers lovers, Benzin offers you Eric's private collection. You will only find cars from Wolfsburg and Munich, meaning BMWs and Volkswagens. The choice of vehicles is very interesting: from the M3 e36 to the Golf GTI and the BMW e30, all body styles and engines are present. Most of the cars presented are in very good condition and have low mileage, so everything suggests that your future classic is just a click away. par TeamBenzin

An owner with one eye always to the West

Eric, the owner of this collection, has always appreciated the tight and efficient lines of German design. If his interest in German brands first started with the sound of BMW engines from Munich, he then opened up to the most interesting models of the "people's car".

Benzin of course

At a time when the desire for change is coming, Benzin naturally presented itself to Eric as the ideal solution for selling his collection. Thanks to a lightened logistics by a completely digitalized mode of sale, Benzin allows Eric to sell his collection without the hassle of a heavy logistics which implies a displacement of the vehicles in the sales room, or of the tedious and frustrating management of the classified ads. Moreover, selling on Benzin allows Eric to offer his collection to a community of over 70,000 enthusiasts ready to take the plunge from their couch.


A tailor-made sale

In order to prepare the sale in the best conditions and to allow both sellers and buyers a first class experience, Benzin has developed a special formula to meet the challenges imposed by the sale of car collections.

Thanks to the help of Xavier, manager of a company selling, depot-selling and concierge services for Youngtimers in Belgium, our specialists were able to retouch and choose the best photos for the sale. Exterior, interior, engine, undercarriage, tracking... We make sure that nothing is left to chance so that the bidders have all the cards in hand to buy with confidence. Finally, our specialists accompanied Eric and Xavier in order to realize a faithful description of each vehicle.


Dates of the sale

All 9 vehicles will be visible on the site from Tuesday, September 6, 2021 and sales will open successively to spread over a fortnight.

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All the products of the collection for sale are available here : Click

If you also want to sell your collection on a platform made for and by enthusiasts, our team will guide you through the selling process.

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