
Benzin Articles are coming

Benzin introduces a new feature, and as always it's for you. Tell your best automotive stories with Articles. How does it work? This is where we explain it. par TeamBenzin

Benzin has always had the objective of promoting the automobile of interest, and this by all means. After having created the first dedicated online auction platform, a series of original films and a store of unpublished products, we are launching the Articles to create the first French automotive forum.

The Articles allow everyone to share their automotive stories with an ever-growing community. Benzin.fr, it was 60.000 unique visitors in January, for more than 250.000 page views. And that's without counting our ever-growing communities on Facebook, Instagram et Youtube.

Your story will get the audience it deserves on Benzin, go for it!

How it works

Go to the editing form

Access the editing form from the button Publish on the Community page or the Articles page, then choose Articles. So far, everything makes sense.

Get your story in shape

Here you go! Start writing. Add a title, introduction, cover photo and content.

The editor gives you several formatting options, such as adding titles, quotes, links, images and videos. If you don't feel like a designer, don't worry, we'll give you a hand when you publish your article.

Save and finish later

We have thought of everything with the Draft. If you have not completed your article, check the box Draft before publishing. This will allow you to preview your article by accessing it from your profile and to continue writing by clicking on the Editer at the top of your draft. Check the box Draft each time, as long as you are not finished.

Good to know: if you clicked Publish when you weren't finished, don't panic. Send us a quick message and we'll draft it for you.

Publish when you're ready

Once your article is finished, publish it without checking the draft box. Your article will not be published immediately but will be submitted to us for validation. We will make sure that the content is well formatted and of good quality (writing, images, subject). If your article is validated, we will make it public and share it with the world.

Ready to go? Go to.
